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Show Attempts The World's Toughest Tongue Twister

The Bobby Bones Show tested all of the show members with the world's hardest tongue twister.

According to the Internet, the tongue twister that goes "sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick" is the hardest one of them all. So Bobby Bones put the show to the test to see who could say the phrase best and clearest. Morgan went first, she had a few shots at it and the judges gave her an 8. Amy went next, using around the same speed as Morgan and she got a score of 6 by the judges. Then Eddie went and he took one run at it and the judges gave him a score of 15. Last up was Lunchbox, he missed a word the first few times so the judges gave him a score of 6.

Eddie won the competition, but everyone didn't feel super confident in their showing of the tongue twister.