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Scam Alerts Involving Lost Pets, Fake Locksmith Businesses, & Texts

There's no shortage of scam alerts happening in today's world.

Bobby Bones shared two new scams that have been popping up lately. One scam has to do with targeting pet owners who have lost their beloved pet. Scammers will find people looking for their pets on social media pages or on things like PawBoost and reach out saying they have their pet. They will claim they took them to the vet and spent money, so the person has to pay them first before reuniting with their pet. Then the scammers will disappear after receiving the money because they never had the lost pet in the first place.

Another scam that's been going around is scammers creating fake locksmith businesses on Google. They are either fake listings or all around fake businesses so whenever someone searches on Google for help getting into their car or home, they attempt to hire one of these places. Then the scammers either show up and demand money without providing the service, or they steal the person's information to scam them in other ways.

Lunchbox also had a personal scam alert. He got a random text from someone that said "Nina arrives tomorrow. Do you have time to pick her up?" It came from a random number he doesn't know. The show did some research that the phone number is the same area code as his, so they think it actually could be legit and Nina is real. He texted the number back to see if the number follows up with anything.