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“Boomerasking” Topics We Each Want to Discuss

Boomerasking is a new term coined to described a self-centered conversational tactic where someone asks a question seemingly to show interest, but the real intention is to use the other person's answer as a springboard to talk about themselves. The name comes from the way a boomerang returns to its thrower, kind of like when the boomerasker uses the question as a way to bring focus back to themselves.

The Bobby Bones Show did a purposeful boomerasking segment where they each did a "boomerask" about topics they want to talk about. For Bobby, his question asked "are you excited about the game tonight?" in reference to Arkansas playing in the Sweet 16 because he's so excited to watch. For Eddie, his question was "how was your birthday?" to Amy because he wanted to talk about his own that just happened and it being awesome. Amy asked the question "you know how Walker Hayes is doing my new jingle?" because she wanted to talk about her podcast rebrand and a story involving the new jingle. Then Lunchbox asked "what do you got going on this weekend?" because he wanted to share in his frustration for being a parent who doesn't have any free time, his weekend is booked with kid birthday parties and sporting events.